What are the advantages and disadvantages of filting wine with sand? - Máy lão hóa rượu GipWin khử độc và loại bỏ tạp chất trong rượu.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of filting wine with sand?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of filting wine with sand?

Filtering wine with sand may sound unbelievable, but this is a method used by many traditional wine-making households. So Is filtration with sand really effective? How like?

Filter wine with sand

Wine filtration is an age-old method to remove impurities in wine. Makes wine clearer, cleaner and safer to drink.

Filtration with sand is a stratified filtration method, using multiple layers of filter material to retain impurities, sediment and scum. Although there has been no official announcement that this method can remove toxins, it is still a way that many people consider effective and applied. Especially the small craft wine-making households in the countryside.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of filting wine with sand?
Filtering wine with sand is still a method applied by many households

Instructions on how to filter wine with sand

The sand used to filter wine is fine quartz sand. When alcohol enters, it will penetrate through the layers of sand to remove dirt and toxins.

Prepare the following ingredients:

Water pot

Filter sandbag

Activated carbon



Pour the filter materials into the tank in the following order:

  • The bottom is a layer of activated carbon
  • Next is the sand layer (Note to wash the sand and let it dry naturally)
  • The top layer is cotton wool to capture all the wine scum

Then you can pour the wine into the tank and start filtering.

Advantages and disadvantages of sand filtration method


  • Quick, simple
  • Cheap
  • Wine after filtering is clearer than


  • It is not certain whether this method can remove toxins in alcohol or not
  • If there are still impurities in the sand, dirt, bacteria, it will make the wine unsafe after filtering
  • Constantly having to change the sand for each filter because it is not possible to clean the sand completely

Therefore, filtering wine with sand is not the optimal method and it is best to look for more effective solutions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of filting wine with sand?
Filtering wine with sand only makes the wine clearer but not sure about its ability to remove toxins

Gipwin wine aging machine – The solution to make wine better and safer

Gipwin wine aging machine uses multi-polarized magnetic field technology that combines ultrasonic waves flexibly and delicately. The multipolar magnetic field and ultrasonic waves in the liquid create a favorable environment to promote natural chemical reactions after physics to promote chemical reactions and help to transform toxic substances such as Andehit, Methanol, Furfurol… from which the result will bring the aroma of age-old wine with a time shorter than natural metabolism.

It not only brings an improvement in wine quality but also helps production facilities to expand the market, save production costs (space, labor, water electricity..), recover capital quickly. and increase profits in just a short time.


Wine is processed by Gipwin wine aging machine with a time from 1-2 hours, which can produce wines with many years of age, contributing to creat the aroma and color of the wine. This is a complete solution to replace handicraft wine filtration or traditional methods of lowering the soil.


With the informations provided in the article, hopefully you will have a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of sand filtration before applying this method.


For further information, please contact: 0976.106.066.

>>> See more: The effectiveness of Gipwin technology in alcohol treatment